Make your life through Meditation:
The breath is so important in meditation and is THE way to anchor the mind. When you sit down to meditate, always begin by focusing on your breath...
Inhale deeply - allowing yourself to feel the air as you pull it in...
Feel your chest expand, and let your stomach expand as well...
Allow the fullness of the breath completely expand in your body.
Hold for a couple of seconds, then exhale...
Again, concentrate on the sensations in your body as you slowly release your breath. Repeat 3-5 times and you are ready for your meditation!
The breath is so important in meditation and is THE way to anchor the mind. When you sit down to meditate, always begin by focusing on your breath...
Inhale deeply - allowing yourself to feel the air as you pull it in...
Feel your chest expand, and let your stomach expand as well...
Allow the fullness of the breath completely expand in your body.
Hold for a couple of seconds, then exhale...
Again, concentrate on the sensations in your body as you slowly release your breath. Repeat 3-5 times and you are ready for your meditation!