Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Benefits and limitations of Mantra chanting:

Benefits and limitations of Mantra chanting:

The benefits of mantra japa or meditation using mantra are innumerable in the form of
both seen and unseen results. The main benefit which the modern man can safely expect
to get is the emotional balancing through mantra. This is a result which can be seen and
hence there is no make belief in this. This in turn definitely helps in improving the
physical health of an individual.
Limitations are always to be understood before taking up any endeavour. Mantra japa is
not an exception to it. If one expects any miracles or some light and sound effects due to
mantra japa, then he may be disenchanted or disillusioned. Any exaggerated subjective
expectation which is not inherently present in the thing can always lead the person to be
dissatisfied and loose charm in that practice. Mantra is not an exception to it. One
should remember that mantra is an aid in discovering fullness and joy which are innate
to us. Unreasonable expectations about the person from whom the mantra is to be taken
etc. always leads to a change of gurus and mantras. Mantra taken from a person who has
done some amount of japa of that mantra sincerely is good enough. Many modern
gurus, in the name of Shakti Pat or transferring the power of the mantra are simply
exploiting the gullibility of the individuals. It is true that mantra is always to be taken
from a living person and not from books. A live candle alone can light up another one
so even a soul alone can touch another soul. But this does not mean that a person should
keep on looking for some special person to do what he is supposed to do. No one can
transfer the responsibility of understanding the Truth from himself to the guru. Hence
excessive importance given in selecting the person and the mantra is not considered
prudent. Better than that is to stick with the mantra and what it is doing for some time
with interest and one should understand that as an aid in the ultimate spiritual progress.


One of the finest 3D art drawn by one of the close friend
Mr. PRITAM SAHA... Inspired drawing... God bless him....

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Tantric mantras :

Tantric Mantras:

Tantra is from the root tanu vistare: to expand. All the tantric practices are having this
goal of expansion of individual consciousness to the total consciousness or Unity
Tantra is a rebel child of Vedic tradition. The reason for this was that Vedic tradition in
course of time became more and more rigid in its practices and also was not allowing
many practices to women and certain categories of the communities. In reality Vedas
are very liberal in their outlook. But certain people in power started misinterpreting and
they abused their privilege. This lead to the raise of tantras. Tantras have tantra, mantra
and yantra as its accessories. Tantra is the ritualistic portion, mantras may contain one
or more than one syllable, while yantra is a diagrammatic representation of the deity of
worship drawn on a copper, brass, golden or on a pancha loha plate (five metals).
Tantric mantras and practices are esoteric in nature. They are very popular, for they are
believed to give quick results.
An example of a tantric mantra is Om Im Hrim Shrim Shree Matre Namaha.
Another one is Ka Ye E La Hrim Ha Sa Ka La Hrim Sa Ka La Hrim Shrim. This is the
famous Shodashakshari Mantra (16 lettered mantra). If the last Shrim is dropped then it
is called Panchadashakshari Mantra (15 lettered mantra). There are innumerable
mantras in tantra, given for different purposes. Mantras are handed down in tradition
from person to person and not taken from books. They need to be practiced at least for
some time by that individual. The bija’s are considered as living only if taken from a
living person and are considered ineffective if taken from books. Some people and
traditions claim that mantras obtained in dreams through yogis, siddhas and earlier
saints are also effective. Tantric mantras are always followed or preceded by rituals,
worship and prayers. Tantra again has two methods. One is called vama marga or ‘left
hand method’ and the other is called dakshina marga or the ‘right hand method’.
Mantras in them are different and so are the practices. The left hand method mainly
employs sex as a means to expand the individual consciousness, whereas the right hand
method employs various meditation techniques to achieve this end...

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Vedic mantras:

Vedic mantras:

Veda is from the Sanskrit root Vid (to know).
Veda is a body of knowledge covering all aspects of life and creation. It is one body of
knowledge, but as it was too vast for the sake of convenience a great rishi Veda Vyasa
divided it into four parts and gave them four names. He was called Veda Vyasa because
he divided the Veda.
The four Veda’s are Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharvana Veda.
Each Veda again is divided into four parts called
1. mantra bhâga
2. brahmana bhâga
3. âranyaka bhâga
4. upanishad or Vedanta.
Bhâga means a part. ( â indicates a pronunciation of elongation of a, like a in ‘are’).
All the verses in the mantra bhâga are also called mantras only.
All Vedic Mantras are having intonations for pronunciation and it is very important for
them. Correct pronunciation of words is essential. Intonation is over and above this
There are various important mantras from the Veda’s, like
gayatri mantra
maha mrutyunjaya mantra
panchakshari mantra
ashtakshari mantra etc.
There are many Shanti Mantras for individual as well as universal peace and happiness.
Vedic mantras are mainly used in Vedic fire rituals called yajñyâs and yâgâs. Every
mantra has a particular place in the ritual and is to be associated with a particular
procedure to offer oblations in the fire. Nowadays, since these rituals became rare,
individuals are using these mantras mainly for chanting to promote individual and
universal peace.
In general all these mantras for peace are ended with uttering of the word Shanti (Peace)
three times.
Shanti or Peace can be disturbed by various reasons. These reasons can be categorized
into three groups viz. âdhi davika tâpa, âdhi bhautica tâpa, dâhyatmika tâpa.
·  The first one is the tâpa or afflictions born due to natural calamities etc. like foods,
earthquakes, cyclones, tornado’s etc. on which the human being has very less
·  The second one is afflictions like strikes, wars, battles, insect bites, epidemics and
so on.
·  The third type of afflictions is due to the individual alone, from one’s own body and
In fact all types of afflictions can fully be covered under these three categories. In order
to ward off these three types of afflictions these mantras are used with a prayer to the
Universal Intelligence.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Types of mantras

Types of mantras

Mantras can be categorized in various ways. We will categorize mantras according to
1. The Origin
2. The Purpose

According to the Origin:
1. Vedic Mantras
2. Tantric Mantras
3. Pauranic Mantras

According to the Purpose:
1. For a particular result
2. For general well being
3. For the ultimate good or moksha.
Vedic mantras