Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Benefits and limitations of Mantra chanting:

Benefits and limitations of Mantra chanting:

The benefits of mantra japa or meditation using mantra are innumerable in the form of
both seen and unseen results. The main benefit which the modern man can safely expect
to get is the emotional balancing through mantra. This is a result which can be seen and
hence there is no make belief in this. This in turn definitely helps in improving the
physical health of an individual.
Limitations are always to be understood before taking up any endeavour. Mantra japa is
not an exception to it. If one expects any miracles or some light and sound effects due to
mantra japa, then he may be disenchanted or disillusioned. Any exaggerated subjective
expectation which is not inherently present in the thing can always lead the person to be
dissatisfied and loose charm in that practice. Mantra is not an exception to it. One
should remember that mantra is an aid in discovering fullness and joy which are innate
to us. Unreasonable expectations about the person from whom the mantra is to be taken
etc. always leads to a change of gurus and mantras. Mantra taken from a person who has
done some amount of japa of that mantra sincerely is good enough. Many modern
gurus, in the name of Shakti Pat or transferring the power of the mantra are simply
exploiting the gullibility of the individuals. It is true that mantra is always to be taken
from a living person and not from books. A live candle alone can light up another one
so even a soul alone can touch another soul. But this does not mean that a person should
keep on looking for some special person to do what he is supposed to do. No one can
transfer the responsibility of understanding the Truth from himself to the guru. Hence
excessive importance given in selecting the person and the mantra is not considered
prudent. Better than that is to stick with the mantra and what it is doing for some time
with interest and one should understand that as an aid in the ultimate spiritual progress.