Sunday, 7 October 2012


Self-love, loving yourself, making love to yourself; Whichever of these
expressions you use is fantastic especially when you deeply understand the
magnitude your chosen expression has on your life. That's right! When the
notions of making love to yourself enter your field of thought you KNOW you have
started on a journey of the greatest transformation of your life. But before we
get into the sweet and delicious nature of this transformation lets make a few
things immediately clear. Stepping unto the path of making love to yourself is
NOT selfish. It is NOT arrogant. And it most certainly does NOT mean that you
will turn a blind eye to the needs of those around you. Rather, making love to
yourself is the ultimate self-created luxury you will embrace that will gift your life
with abundance, joy, refreshment, invigoration and an epic end to 'THINGS' which
never served you or your most loving interest.