Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Microsoft Access

MS Access
Microsoft Access is a Window based program created by Microsoft. It helps you store & manage a large collection of information.
A systamatically arrangeed database helps you manage the stored information in an efficient way so that It can access quickly whenever needed.
You can easily create such a database using Access.
A good Database design ensure that you will be able to perform various tasks on it efficiently and accurately and without any hindrance.

Introduction to Database

Database is a collection of information or you can say it is hub of information For reteriving information we fall back on databases. With the help of database you can easily get information in structural form and You can easily search & update your information and easily change/modified your data in database.

Most popular database management system(DBMS) in market is like MS ACCESS. Microsoft Access provides users with one of the simplest and most flexible DBMS solutions on the market today. Regular users of Microsoft products will enjoy the familiar Windows "look and feel" as well as the tight integration with other Microsoft Office family products.


Suppose you have two two database-a database containging book detail and the other containing details of the company .Now you wish to display on the screen the information about the book A.and the details of the company which published it.What will you do to display the information?.you will display the name of company which has published the book A.Both these database were related.such a system is called is RDBMS(Relational Database Management System).

RDBMS is defined as method of viewing information from several ,separate database that relate to one an another through keyword or values.The main advantage of relational database management system is that you can use simultaneously use more than one database to see information stored in them.   

Suppose customer wants to details of publisher any book so with the help of RDBMS the seller can give the detail of particular book.Most of the organization are using RDBMS because it provide facilty like you can add and delete your data also you can modified or update your data and easily find your data when you have large amount of data.

RDBMS play important role in bussines marketing like a dealer who have data of customer and also want to data of customer daily purchasing details so with the help of RDBMS he can take data easily from database.


All data is stored in tables. When you create a new table, Access asks you define fields (column headings), giving each a unique name, and telling Access the data type. Use the "Text" type for most data, including numbers that don't need to be added e.g. phone numbers or postal codes. Using Wizards, Access will walk you through the process of creating common tables such as lists of names and addresses. Once you have defined a table's structure, you can enter data. Each new row that you add to the table is called a record. To define relationships between tables, click Database Tools | Relationships in Access 2007, or choose Relationships from the Tools menu in Access 95, 97, 2000, or choose Relationships from the Edit menu

Use a query to find or operate on the data in your tables. With a query, you can display the records that match certain criteria (e.g. all the members called "Barry"), sort the data as you please (e.g. by Surname), and even combine data from different tables. You can edit the data displayed in a query (in most cases), and the data in the underlying table will change. Special queries can also be defined to make wholesale changes to your data, e.g. delete all members whose subscriptions are 2 years overdue, or set a "State" field to "WA" wherever postcode begins with 6.

These are screens for displaying data from and inputting data into your tables. The basic form has an appearance similar to an index card: it shows only one record at a time, with a different field on each line. If you want to control how the records are sorted, define a query first, and then create a form based on the query. If you have defined a one-to-many relationship between two tables, use the "Subform" Wizard to create a form which contains another form. The subform will then display only the records matching the one on the main form.

If forms are for input, then reports are for output. Anything you plan to print deserves a report, whether it is a list of names and addresses, a financial summary for a period, or a set of mailing labels. Again the Access Wizards walk you through the process of defining reports.

(Access 2000 - 2003). Use pages to enter or display data via Internet. Pages are stored as HTML files, with data read from and written to the database. Michael Kaplan has published a to convert Access forms and reports into Data Access Pages.

An Access Macro is a script for doing some job. For example, to create a button which opens a report, you could use a macro which fires off the "OpenReport" action. Macros can also be used to set one field based on the value of another (the "SetValue" action), to validate that certain conditions are met before a record saved (the "CancelEvent" action) etc. Each line of a macro performs some action, and the bottom half of the macro screen provides the details of how the action is to apply.

This is where you write your own functions and programs if you want to. Everything that can be done in a macro can also be done in a module, but you don't get the Macro interface that prompts you what is needed for each action. Modules are far more powerful, and are essential if you plan to write code for a multi-user environment, since macros cannot include error handling. Most serious Access users start out with macros to get a feel for things, but end up using modules almost exclusively. On the other hand, if your needs are simple, you may never need to delve into the depths of Access modules.

Introduction to Access

Microsoft Access is a program to create and managing your databases. It has features to help you in constructing and presentation your information.

Microsoft Access can be used for personal information management (PIM), in a small business to organize and manage all data, or in an enterprise to communicate with server.

Microsoft Access stores information in what is called a database. For now it is good enough to know that your data is put into a database and not worry about the details. We will be explaining databases and other key Access elements in a later lesson.

There are four major steps to using Microsoft Access:
1. Database Creation: Create your Microsoft Access database and specify what kind of data you will be storing. A retail business might create a database to store all their sales information (i.e. items sold, customer, employee, commission, etc)

2. Data Input: After your database is created the data the store gathers every business day can be entered into the Access database.

3. Query: This is a fancy term to basically describe the process of retrieving information from the database.

Report (optional): Information from the database is organized in a nice presentation that can be printed in an Access Report

Database File
This is your main file that encompasses the entire database and that is saved to your hard-drive or floppy disk.

Example) StudentDatabase.mdb

A table is a collection of data about a specific topic. There can be multiple tables in a database.

Example #1) Students
Example #2) Teachers

Fields are the different categories within a Table. Tables usually contain multiple fields.

Example #1) Student LastName
Example #2) Student FirstName

Datatypes are the properties of each field. A field only has 1 datatype.

FieldName) Student LastName
Datatype) Text

Getting Start

In order to use Microsoft Access, you must first open it. There are various ways this can be done. As such, to start this program, you could click Start -> (All) Programs -> Microsoft Access:

Access is a flexible application for creating databases. Access is very popular due to the vast number of features it provides. Many businesses also turn Access because it is included with all the other Microsoft Office products.

Creating New, and Opening Existing Databases

The above picture gives you the option to:
1. Create a New Database from scratch
2. Use the wizard to create a New Database
3. Open an existing database

Creating a database using the Database Wizard

1. On starting Microsoft Access, a dialog box is automatically displayed with options to create a new database or open an existing one. If this dialog box is displayed, click Access Database Wizards, pages, and projects and then click OK.

If you have already opened a database or closed the dialog box that displays when Microsoft Access starts up, click New Database on the toolbar
2. click double the icon for the kind of database you want to create.
3.Put a name and location for the database.

4.To defining your new database Click Create

Creating a database without using the Database Wizard

(Below is the screen that shows up following (this step)


A table is a collection of Data, such as Result or Diary Memo. Using a separate table for each subject means that you store that data only once, which makes your database well-organized, .

Access provides different ways to creating a table .Double-click on the icons to create a table.


(A) create table in Design view will allow you to create the fields of the table. this is the most common way of creating a table and is explained in detail below.

(B) Create table using wizard will step you through the creation of a table.
(C) Create table by entering data will give you a blank datasheet with unlabelled columns that looks much like an Excel worksheet. Enter data into the cells and click the Save button. You will be prompted to add a primary field. After the table is saved, the empty cells of the datasheet are trimmed. The fields are given generic names such as "Field1", "Field2", etc. fields, select Format|Rename olumn from the menu bar or highlight the column, right-click on it with the mouse, and select Rename Column from the shortcut menu

Table in Design View

Design View will allow you to define the fields in the table before adding any data to the datasheet. The window is divided into two parts: a top pane for entering the field name, data type, and an option description of the field, and a bottom pane for specifying field properties

1. Select 'Tables' tab From the Database view, click 'New' and then choose 'Design View' from the 'New Table' dialog box, and click OK.

2. Enter a field name in the first row of the Field Name Column.

3. Press Enter or Tab to move to the Data Type Field.

4. Enter a data type for this field. Access will scroll using the first letter of the data type, or you can also use the drop down list provided to you.

5. Alter the Field Properties section of the table design grid as needed.

6. Add a comment in the description column for your better understanding
For the viewlet of Table in Design View. Click Here!

Using Table Wizard
Like all Wizards, the Table Wizard simplifies the Layout of the fields. You are guided visually through a series of steps, which help you to decide on the type to be created, and then the table is created automatically. The steps in creating a table through 'Table Wizard' are as follows:

1. Open the 'New Table' Dialog box by using one of the followings:
Select the 'Tables' option from the Insert menu. Select the 'Tables' tab and then click on 'New' button in the Database window. Select the 'New' Object toolbar button and choose the Table option.

2. Select table type from the 'New Table' Dialog box.

3. Select table and field from the list of sample tables and sample fields.

4. Give title of the table and create relationship if exist.

Datasheet View to Make a Table
1. Launch MS Access and start a new blank database. Access now launches a blank table for use.

2. Enter data for the first field in the first row.

3. Right click on the first column header (labeled Field 1) and choose Rename from the shortcut menu. This allows you to change the column header, change it to Employee ID for this field.

4. Enter come name data for each of the next three fields, editing the field names to Last Name, First Name, and Middle Name respectively.

5. Move to the next column, Enter yes.

6. Move to the next column to enter date.

7. Click on the Save icon in the toolbar.

8. Click the view button to switch to Design View.


1. This will bring up the Table Design View

2. There are three columns here that should be explained in detail
o Field Name: This is where you type the name for your column. A common practice is to make it one word and to use capitalization for multiple words squished into one (e.g. SaleNumber)

o Data Type: This column is where you specify the type of data that will be stored. If you are storing money then select Currency. The most common types of data are: Text, Number, Currency and Date/Time.

o Description: Here you can type optional notes to remind yourself or provide useful information for others who might be viewing this file later.

3. The first column in our tbl_Sales example was Employee, so let's enter in Employee in the Field Name column and choose Text from the Data Type column. If click inside the Data Type column you will see that it is actually a drop down select box with many options to choose from. Select the Text option.

4. Enter the following information for our remaining three columns of tbl_Sales:
o Field Name: Product, Data Type: Text
o Field Name: Price, Data Type: Currency
o Field Name: SaleNumber, Data Type: Number

5. Before we are finished here, we need to make a Primary Key. A primary key is restriction that we place on a column stating that there can be no duplicate values in that column. We will be talking about keys later, but for now right-click in the SaleNumber row and choose Primary Key from the pop-up menu.

6. We have finished our table's outline so click the X in the top right to close the design view (don't close Access, just the Design Window).

7. Click yes and enter "tbl_Sales" for your table's name

Although this process of creating an Access table might seem overly complicated, with time you'll be able to create and edit existing tables very quickly. Feel free to revisit this page if you are having trouble creating an Access table.
Click here for animated tutorial on How To Work with Table!


• Field Name - This is the name of the field and should represent the contents of the field such as "Name", "Address", "Final Grade", etc. The name can not exceed 64 characters in length and may include spaces.

• Data Type is the type of value that will be entered into the fields.
• Text - The default type, text type allows any combination of letters and numbers up to a maximum of 255 characters per field record.

• Memo - A text type that stores up to 64,000 characters.

• Number - Any number can be stored.

• Date/Time - A date, time, or combination of both.

• Currency - Monetary values that can be set up to automatically include a dollar sign ($) and correct decimal and comma positions.

• AutoNumber - When a new record is created, Access will automatically assign a unique integer to the record in this field. From the General options, select Increment if the numbers should be assigned in order or random if any random number should be chosen. Since every record in a datasheet must include at least one field that distinguishes it from all others, this is a useful data type to use if the existing data will not produce such values.

• Yes/No - Use this option for True/False, Yes/No, On/Off, or other values that must be only one of two.

• OLE Object - An OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object is a sound, picture, or other object such as a Word document or Excel spreadsheet that is created in another program. Use this data type to embed an OLE object or link to the object in the database.

Hyperlink - A hyperlink will link to an Internet or Intranet site, or another location in the database. The data consists of up to four parts each separated by the pound sign (#): DisplayText#Address#SubAddress#ScreenTip. The Address is the only required part of the string

Properties of Fields

• Field Size is used to set the number of characters needed in a text or number field. The default field size for the text type is 50 characters. If the records in the field will only have two or three characters, you can change the size of the field to save disk space or prevent entry errors by limiting the number of characters allowed. Likewise, if the field will require more than 50 characters, enter a number up to 255. The field size is set in exact characters for Text type, but options are give for numbers:

o Byte - Positive integers between 1 and 255

o Integer - Positive and negative integers between -32,768 and 32,768

o Long Integer (default) - Larger positive and negative integers between -2 billion and 2 billion.

o Single - Single-precision floating-point number

o Double - Double-precision floating-point number

o Decimal - Allows for Precision and Scale property control

Primary Key

A primary key is a field or grouping of fields that uniquely identify a record in a table, so that an individual record can be placed without confusion.

A primary key is the field(s) (a primary key can be made up of more than one field) that uniquely identifies each record, i.e. the primary key is unique for each record and the value is never duplicated in the same table, so in the above table the EmployeeID field would be used. A constraint is a rule that defines what data is valid for a given field. So a primary key constraint is a rule that says that the primary key fields cannot be null and cannot contain duplicate data.

Switching Views

• To Simply click on these two option either click on Datasheet iew or Design view

Datasheet View(option)
Design View(option)
Displays the view, which allows you to enter raw data into your database table.
Displays the view, which allows you to enter fields, data-types, and descriptions into your database table.

Entering Data

Click on shell where you want to enter your data,each field have own attributes and column ,enter data according coulmn and row

Manipulating Data

Adding Records
Add new records to the table in datasheet view by typing in the record beside the asterisk (*) that marks the new record. You can also click the new record button at the bottom of the datasheet to skip to the last empty record.

Editing Records
To edit records, simply place the cursor in the record that is to be edited and make the necessary changes. Use the arrow keys to move through the record grid. The previous, next, first, and last record buttons at the bottom of the datasheet are helpful in maneuvering through the datasheet.

Deleting Records
Delete a record on a datasheet by placing the cursor in any field of the record row and select Edit|Delete Record from the menu bar or click the Delete Record button on the datasheet toolbar.

Adding and Deleting Columns
Although it is best to add new fields (displayed as columns in the datasheet) in design view because more options are available, they can also be quickly added in datasheet view. Highlight the column that the new column should appear to the left of by clicking its label at the top of the datasheet and select Insert|Column from the menu bar.

Entire columns can be deleted by placing the cursor in the column and selecting Edit|Delete Column from the menu bar.

Resizing Rows and Columns
The height of rows on a datasheet can be changed by dragging the gray sizing line between row labels up and down with the mouse. By changing the height on one row, the height of all rows in the datasheet will be changed to the new value.

Column width can be changed in a similar way by dragging the sizing line between columns. Double click on the line to have the column automatically fit to the longest value of the column. Unlike rows, columns on a datasheet can be different widths. More exact values can be assigned by selecting Format|Row Height or Format|Column Width from the menu bar.

Freezing Columns
Similar to freezing panes in Excel, columns on an Access table can be frozen. This is helpful if the datasheet has many columns and relevant data would otherwise not appear on the screen at the same time. Freeze a column by placing the cursor in any record in the column and select Format|Freeze Columns from the menu bar. Select the same option to unfreeze a single column or select Format|Unfreeze All Columns.

Hiding Columns
Columns can also be hidden from view on the datasheet although they will not be deleted from the database. To hide a column, place the cursor in any record in the column or highlight multiple adjacent columns by clicking and dragging the mouse along the column headers, and select Format|Hide Columns from the menu bar.

To show columns that have been hidden, select Format|UnhideColumns from the menu bar. A window displaying all of the fields in the table will be listed with check boxes beside each field name. Check the boxes beside all fields that should be visible on the data table and click the Close button.

Finding Data in a Table
Data in a datasheet can be quickly located by using the Find command.
1. Open the table in datasheet view.

2. Place the cursor in any record in the field that you want to search and select Edit|Find... from the menu bar.

3. Enter the value criteria in the Find What: box.

4. From the Look In: drop-down menu, define the area of the search by selecting the entire table or just the field in the table you placed your cursor in during step 2.

5. Select the matching criteria from Match: to and click the More >> button for additional search parameters.

6. When all of the search criteria is set, click the Find Next button. If more than one record meets the criteria, keep clicking Find Next until you reach the correct record.

The replace function allows you to quickly replace a single occurrence of data with a new value or to replace all occurrences in the entire table.
1. Select Edit|Replace... from the menu bar (or click the Replace tab if the Find window is already open).

2. Follow the steps described in the Find procedure for searching for the data that should be replaced and type the new value of the data in the Replace With: box.

Click the Find Next button to step through occurrences of the data in the table and click the Replace button to make single replacements. Click Replace All to change all occurrences


To Set multiple tables in your database, you need to Access how that information back each other again.This process is to define relationships between your tables. After that, you can create queries, forms, and reports to display information from many tables at once.

Handling Queries
Introduction to Query

Queries select records from one or more tables in a database so they can be viewed, analyzed, and sorted on a common datasheet. The resulting collection of records, called a dynaset (short for dynamic subset), is saved as a database object and can therefore be easily used in the future. The query will be updated whenever the original tables are updated. Types of queries are select queries that extract data from tables based on specified values, find duplicate queries that display records with duplicate values for one or more of the specified fields, and find unmatched queries display records from one table that do not have corresponding values in a second table.


Use these steps to create a new query in Design View:
1. From the Queries page on the Database Window, click the New button

2. Select Design View and click OK.

3. Select tables and existing queries from the Tables and Queries tabs and click the Add button to add each one to the new query.

4, Click Close when all of the tables and queries have been selected.

5. Add fields from the tables to the new query by double-clicking the field name in the table boxes or selecting the field from the Field: and Table: drop-down menus on the query form. Specify sort orders if necessary.

Enter the criteria for the query in the Criteria: field. The following table provides examples for some of the wildcard symbols and arithmetic operators that may be used. The Expression Builder can also be used to assist in writing the expressions

Query and Expression Operators
The question mark is a wildcard that takes the place of a single letter.
The asterisk is the wildcard that represents a number of characters.
Value less than 100
Value greater than or equal to 1
Not equal to (all states besides Florida)
Between 1 and 10
Numbers between 1 and 10
Is Null
Is Not Null
Finds records with no value
or all records that have a value
All words beginning with "a"
>0 And <=10
All numbers greater than 0 and less than 10
"Bob" Or "Jane"
Values are Bob or Jane

6. After you have selected all of the fields and tables, click the Run button on the toolbar.

7. Save the query by clicking the Save button.
For the viewlet of Table in Design View.Click Here!

Query wizards

Click the Create query by using wizard icon in the database window to have access step you through the process of creating


1. From the first window, select fields that will be included in the query by first selecting the table from the drop-down Tables/Queries menu. Select the fields by clicking the > button to move the field from the Available Fields list to Selected Fields. Click the double arrow button >> to move all of the fields to Selected Fields. Select another table or query to choose from more fields and repeat the process of moving them to the Selected Fields box. Click Next > when all of the fields have been selected.

2. On the next window, enter the name for the query and click Finish.
For the viewlet of Table in Query Wizard.Click Here!

Finding Duplicate Query

1. Click the New button on the Queries database window, select Find Duplicates Query Wizard from the New Query window and click OK.

2. Select the table or query that the find duplicates query will be applied to from the list provided and click Next >.

3. Select the fields that may contain duplicate values by highlighting the names in the Available fields list and clicking the > button to individually move the fields to the Duplicate-value fields list or >> to move all of the fields. Click Next > when all fields have been selected.

4. Select the fields that should appear in the new query along with the fields selected on the previous screen and click Next >.

Name the new query and click Finish.

Creating Form by Using Wizard

Forms are used as a way to enter data into a database table. Forms create data in efficient manner.

To create a form using the assistance of the wizard, follow these steps:
1. Click the Create form by using wizard option on the database window.

2. From the Tables/Queries drop-down menu, select the table or query whose datasheet the form will modify. Then, select the fields that will be included on the form by highlighting each one the Available Fields window and clicking the single right arrow button > to move the field to the Selected Fields window. To move all of the fields to Select Fields, click the double right arrow button >>. If you make a mistake and would like to remove a field or all of the fields from the Selected Fields window, click the left arrow < or left double arrow << buttons. After the proper fields have been selected, click the Next > button to move on to the next screen.

3. On the second screen, select the layout of the form.
a. Columnar - A single record is displayed at one time with labels and form fields listed side-by-side in columns.

b. Justified - A single record is displayed with labels and form fields are listed across the screen.

c. Tabular - Multiple records are listed on the page at a time with fields in columns and records in rows.

d. Datasheet - Multiple records are displayed in Datasheet View.

Click the Next > button to move on to the next screen.

Select a visual style for the form from the next set of options and click Next >.

On the final screen, name the form in the space provided. Select "Open the form to view or enter information" to open the form in Form View or "Modify the form's design" to open it in Design View. Click Finish to create the form

Creating Form in Design View

To create a form from scratch without the wizard, follow these steps:
1. Click the New button on the form database window.

2. Select "Design View" and choose the table or query the form will be associated with the form from the drop-down menu.

3. Select View|Toolbox from the menu bar to view the floating toolbar with additional options.

Add controls to the form by clicking and dragging the field names from the Field List floating window. Access creates a text box for the value and label for the field name when this action is accomplished. To add controls for all of the fields in the Field List, double-click the Field List window's title bar and drag all of the highlighted fields to the form.

Adding Records Using a Form

Input data into the table by filling out the fields of the form. Press the Tab key to move from field to field and create a new record by clicking Tab after the last field of the last record. A new record can also be created at any time by clicking the New Record button at the bottom of the form window. Records are automatically saved as they are entered so no additional manual saving needs to be executed

Editing Forms

The follow points may be helpful when modifying forms in Design View.

1. Grid lines - By default, a series of lines and dots underlay the form in Design View so form elements can be easily aligned. To toggle this feature on and off select View|Grid from the menu bar.

2. Snap to Grid - Select Format|Snap to Grid to align form objects with the grid to allow easy alignment of form objects or uncheck this feature to allow objects to float freely between the grid lines and dots.

3. Resizing Objects - Form objects can be resized by clicking and dragging the handles on the edges and corners of the element with the mouse.

4. Change form object type - To easily change the type of form object without having to create a new one, right click on the object with the mouse and select Change To and select an available object type from the list.

5. Label/object alignment - Each form object and its corresponding label are bounded and will move together when either one is moved with the mouse. However, to change the position of the object and label in relation to each other (to move the label closer to a text box, for example), click and drag the large handle at the top, left corner of the object or label.

6. Tab order - Alter the tab order of the objects on the form by selecting View|Tab Order... from the menu bar. Click the gray box before the row you would like to change in the tab order, drag it to a new location, and release the mouse button.

7. Form Appearance - Change the background color of the form by clicking the Fill/Back Color button on the formatting toolbar and click one of the color swatches on the palette. Change the color of individual form objects by highlighting one and selecting a color from the Font/Fore Color palette on the formatting toolbar. The font and size, font effect, font alignment, border around each object, the border width, and a special effect can also be modified using the formatting toolbar:

8. Page Header and Footer - Headers and footers added to a form will only appear when it is printed. Access these sections by selecting View|Page Header/Footer on the menu bar.

Form control

This page explains the uses for other types of form controls including lists, combo boxes, checkboxes, option groups, and command buttons.

List and Combo Boxes
If there are small, finite number of values for a certain field on a form, using combo or list boxes may be a quicker and easier way of entering data. These two control types differ in the number of values they display. List values are all displayed while the combo box values are not displayed until the arrow button is clicked
1. Open the form in Design View.

2. Select View|Toolbox to view the toolbox and make sure the "Control Wizards" button is pressed in.

3. Click the list or combo box tool button and draw the outline on the form. The combo box wizard dialog box will appear.

4. Select the source type for the list or combo box values and click Next >.

5. On the next dialog box, set the width of the combo box by clicking and dragging the right edge of the column. Click Next >.

6. The next dialog box allows tells Access what to do with the value that is selected. Choose "Remember the value for later use" to use the value in a macro or procedure (the value is discarded when the form is closed), or select the field that the value should be stored in. Click Next > to proceed to the final screen.

Check Boxes and Option Buttons
Use check boxes and option buttons to display yes/no, true/false, or on/off values. Only one value from a group of option buttons can be selected while any or all values from a check box group can be chosen. Typically, these controls should be used when five or less options are available. Combo boxes or lists should be used for long lists of options. To add a checkbox or option group:
1. Click the Option Group tool on the toolbox and draw the area where the group will be placed on the form with the mouse. The option group wizard dialog box will appear.

2. On the first window, enter labels for the options and click the tab key to enter additional labels. Click Next > when finished typing labels

On the next window, select a default value if there is any and click Next >.

Select values for the options and click Next >.

Choose what should be done with the value and click Next >.

Type the caption for the option group and click Finish.
This page explains the uses for other types of form controls including lists, combo boxes, checkboxes, option groups, and command buttons.

List and Combo Boxes
If there are small, finite number of values for a certain field on a form, using combo or list boxes may be a quicker and easier way of entering data. These two control types differ in the number of values they display. List values are all displayed while the combo boxvalues are not displayed until the arrow button is clicked to open it.
1. Open the form in Design View.

2. Select View|Toolbox to view the toolbox and make sure the "Control Wizards" button is pressed in.

3. Click the list or combo box tool button and draw the outline on the form. The combo box wizard dialog box will appear.

4. Select the source type for the list or combo box values and click Next >.

5. Depending on your choice in the first dialog box, the next options will vary. If you chose to look up values from a table or query, the following box will be displayed. Select the table or query from which the values of the combo box will come from. Click Next > and choose fields from the table or query that was selected. Click Next > to proceed.

6. On the next dialog box, set the width of the combo box by clicking and dragging the right edge of the column. Click Next >.

7. The next dialog box allows tells Access what to do with the value that is selected. Choose "Remember the value for later use" to use the value in a macro or procedure (the value is discarded when the form is closed), or select the field that the value should be stored in. Click Next > to proceed to the final screen.

8. Type the name that will appear on the box's label and click Finish.

Check Boxes and Option Buttons
Use check boxes and option buttons to display yes/no, true/false, or on/off values. Only one value from a group of option buttons can be selected while any or all values from a check box group can be chosen. Typically, these controls should be used when five or less options are available. Combo boxes or lists should be used for long lists of options. To add a checkbox or option group:
1. Click the Option Group tool on the toolbox and draw the area where the group will be placed on the form with the mouse. The option group wizard dialog box will appear.

2. On the first window, enter labels for the options and click the tab key to enter additional labels. Click Next > when finished typing labels.

3. On the next window, select a default value if there is any and click Next >.

4. Select values for the options and click Next >.

5. Choose what should be done with the value and click Next >.

6. Choose the type and style of the option group and click Next >.

7. Type the caption for the option group and click Finish.

Command Buttons

In this example, a command button beside each record is used to open another form.
1. Open the form in Design View and ensure that the Control Wizard button on the toolbox is pressed in.

2. Click the command button icon on the toolbox and draw the button on the form. The Command Button Wizard will then appear.

3. On the first dialog window, action categories are displayed in the left list while the right list displays the actions in each category. Select an action for the command button and click Next >.

4. The next few pages of options will vary based on the action you selected. Continue selecting options for the command button.

5. Choose the appearance of the button by entering caption text or selecting a picture. Check the Show All Pictures box to view the full list of available images. Click Next >.

6. Enter a name for the command button and click Finish to create the button.

Report Using the Wizard

Reports will organize and group the information in a table or query and provide a way to print the data in a database.

Create a report using Access' wizard by following these steps:
1. Double-click the "Create report by using wizard" option on the Reports Database Window.

Select the information source for the report by selecting a table or query from the Tables/Queries drop-down menu. Then, select the fields that should be displayed in the report by transferring them from the Available Fields menu to the Selected Fields window using the single right arrow button > to move fields one at a time or the double arrow button >> to move all of the fields at once. Click the Next > button to move to the next screen.

Select fields from the list that the records should be grouped by and click the right arrow button > to add those fields to the diagram. Use the Priority buttons to change the order of the grouped fields if more than one field is selected. Click Next > to continue

If the records should be sorted, identify a sort order here. Select the first field that records should be sorted by and click the A-Z sort button to choose from ascending or descending order. Click Next > to continue.

Select a layout and page orientation for the report and click Next >.

Select a color and graphics style for the report and click Next >.

On the final screen, name the report and select to open it in either Print Preview or Design View mode. Click the Finishbutton to create the report.

Creating report in Design View

To create a report from scratch, select Design View from the Reports Database Window.

Click the New button on the Reports Database Window. Highlight "Design View" and choose the data source of the report from the drop-down menu and click OK.

You will be presented with a blank grid with a Field Box and form element toolbar that looks similar to the Design View for forms. Design the report in much the same way you would create a form. For example, double-click the title bar of the Field Box to add all of the fields to the report at once. Then, use the handles on the elements to resize them, move them to different locations, and modify the look of the report by using options on the formatting toolbar. Click the Print View button at the top, left corner of the screen to preview the report.

Printing Reports

Select File|Page Setup to modify the page margins, size, orientation, and column setup. After all changes have been made, print the report by selecting File|Print from the menu bar or click the Print button on the toolbar.

Importing exporting

Importing objects from another database will create a complete copy of a table, query, or any other database object that you select. Import a database object by following these steps:

1. Open the destination database.

2. Select File|Get External|Import from the menu bar.

3. Choose the database the object is located in a click the Import button.

4. From the Import Objects window, click on the object tabs to find the object you want to import into the database. Click the Options >> button to view more options. Under Import Tables, select "Definition and Data" if the entire table should be copied or "Definition Only" if the table structure should be copied but not the data. Under Import Queries, select "As Tables" if the queries should appear as regular tables in the destination database. Highlight the object name, and click OK.

5. The new object will now appear with the existing objects in the database.


The effect of importing can also be achieved using the opposite method of exporting.

1. Open the database containing an object that will be copied (exported) to another database.

2. Find the object in the Database Window and highlight it. Then, select File|Export... from the menu bar.

3. Select the destination database from the window and click Save.

4. You will be prompted to name the new object and may also be given other options, such as whether to copy the structure or data and structure of a table. Click OK to complete the export procedure.


Unlike importing, linking objects from another database will create a link to an object in another database while not copying the table to the current database. Create a link by following these steps:
1. Open the destination database.

2. Select File|Get External|Link Tables... from the menu bar.

3. Choose the database that the table is located in and click the Link button.

4. A window listing the tables in the database will then appear. Highlight the table or tables that should be linked and click OK. A link to the table will appear in the Database Window as a small table icon preceded by a small right arrow.

Sorting and Filtering

Sorting and filtering allow you to view records in a table in a different way either by reordering all of the records in the table or view only those records in a table that meets certain criteria that you specify.


You may want to view the records in a table in a different order than they appear such as sorting by a date or in alphabetical order, for example. Follow these steps to execute a simple sort of records in a table based on the values of one field:

1. In table view, place the cursor in the column that you want to sort by.

2. Select Records|Sort|Sort Ascending or Records|Sort|Sort Descending from the menu bar or click the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending buttons on the toolbar.

To sort by more than one column (such as sorting by date and then sorting records with the same date alphabetically), highlight the columns by clicking and dragging the mouse over the field labels and select one of the sort methods stated above.

Filter by Selection

This feature will filter records that contain identical data values in a given field such as filtering out all of the records that have the value "Smith" in a name field. To Filter by Selection, place the cursor in the field that you want to filter the other records by and click the Filter by Selectionbutton on the toolbar or select Records|Filter|Filter By Selectionfrom the menu bar. In the example below, the cursor is placed in the City field of the second record that displays the value "Ft. Myers" so the filtered table will show only the records where the city is Ft. Myers.

Filter by Form

If the table is large, it may be difficult to find the record that contains the value you would like to filter by so using Filter by Form may be advantageous instead. This method creates a blank version of the table with drop-down menus for each field that each contain the values found in the records of that field. Under the default Look for tab of the Filter by Form window, click in the field to enter the filter criteria. To specify an alternate criteria if records may contain one of two specified values, click the Or tab at the bottom of the window and select another criteria from the drop-down menu. More Or tabs will appear after one criteria is set to allow you to add more alternate criteria for the filter. After you have selected all of the criteria you want to filter, click the Apply Filter button on the toolbar.

The following methods can be used to select records based on the record selected by that do not have exactly the same value. Type these formats into the field where the drop-down menu appears instead of selecting an absolute value.

Filter by Form
Like "*Street"
Selects all records that end with "Street"
Selects all records that begin with the letters A through G
Selects all dates since 1/1/00
<> 0
Selects all records not equal to zero

Saving A Filter

The filtered contents of a table can be saved as a query by selecting File|Save As Query from the menu bar. Enter a name for the query and click OK. The query is now saved within the database.


Keyboard shortcuts can save time and the effort of constantly switching from the keyboard to the mouse to execute simple commands and query.with the help of short keys you can easily access your data.


Database actions
Open existing database
Open a new database
Save record
Display database window
Find and Replace
Toggle between Form and Design view

Insert line break in a memo field
Insert current date
Insert current time
Copy data from previous record
Add a record
Delete a record


Select all
Spell checker
Toggle between Edit mode and Navigation mode
Open window for editing large content fields
Switch from current field to current record

Navigating Through a datasheet
Next field
Previous field
First field of record
Last field of record
Next record
Previous record
First field of first record
Last field of last record


1. Verify that your system meets the basic requirements for Access. You'll need at least a 233MHz or faster Pentium processor with 128MB of RAM. You'll also need at least 180MB of free hard disk space.

2. Ensure that your operating system is up-to-date. You'll need Windows 2000 or later to run Access 2003. It's a good idea to apply all security updates and hotfixes to your system before installing access by visiting

3. Insert the MS Office CD into your CD-ROM drive. The installation process will begin automatically and ask you to wait while the system prepares the Installation Wizard.

4. The next step of the process will prompt you to enter your name, your organization's name and the product key found on your CD case. Once you've completed this, click Next to continue.

5. The next screen will prompt you to accept the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA) by clicking the check box. Once you've done so, click Next to continue.

6. If you'd like to install the entire Office suite (or you're using an Access-only CD), you can choose "Install Now" on the next screen. If you'd like to customize your installation, you may do so at this stage. Otherwise, accept the default Install Now and click Next.

7. The next screen summarizes the installation. After you've reviewed the comments, click the Install button to begin the installation.

8. When the installation completes, you may be prompted to restart your computer. Go ahead and do so.

9. When your comptuer restarts, the first thing you should do is visit the Office Update site at download any security patches for Access. This is a critical step.